Do you have the credentials necessary to get into Brewton-Parker College?
The most important factors Brewton-Parker College considers when admitting students are:
See what it costs to attend Brewton-Parker College.
What's it like attending Brewton-Parker College?
What to expect in the classroom at Brewton-Parker College.
The most popular majors at Brewton-Parker are:
Who attends Brewton-Parker College?
What's it like living at Brewton-Parker College?
The average GPA of the most recently accepted class was 3.06.
For the most recent year, it cost $28,730 to attend Brewton-Parker.
911 people attend Brewton-Parker. 911 are undergraduate students and 0 are graduate students.
Brewton-Parker College is located in Mt. Vernon, Georgia. It is in a Rural environment.
In the most recent class of admissions, 25% of students submitted a 3.5 GPA or higher.
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